The New Masculine

Sam Gibbs Morris- Leader, Human, Lover

Episode Summary

On this episode, Travis talks with fellow men's coach, Sam Gibbs Morris. Sam first shares his story of struggles with mental health, initiated by a childhood of physical health issues, and the addiction that was a part of coping with these struggles. Through lots of personal work, he developed a true sense of self-love and freed himself of the cycle and consequences of addiction. Now, Sam seeks to help other men free themselves from the mentalities that keep them stuck and prevent them from living their best lives. His new project, the Conscious Warrior Brotherhood, is anchored in the following mantra for men: “Be a warrior but don’t be at war.” Listen in as these two coaches discuss the power of beginner's mind, sobriety, self-love, plant medicine, and the healing power of male intimacy.

Episode Notes

To connect with Sam:

Instagram: @samgibbsmorris 

LinkedIn: Sam Morris



To connect with Travis:

Instagram: @travers03


