The New Masculine

Michael O'Brien- Husband, Dad, Listener

Episode Summary

On this episode, Travis talks with executive and mindfulness coach, Michael O'Brien. Due to a life-threatening accident on his bicycle, Michael learned that it wasn't just his body that needed to heal. It was also his mind. This transformative journey touched all aspects of his life and redefined his mindset, actions, and purpose. Michael is also the creator of the Pause Breathe Reflect app which supports the user with mindfulness, meditation, and gratitude. Topics discussed include: following a life-script that isn't really yours, living a life that looks like success even when it doesn't feel so, his near life-ending accident, why he calls the day of his accident his "last bad day", seeing life as neutral, exploring our own inconsistencies, the importance of pausing, breathing, and reflecting on how we want to navigate forward, and like-hearted people.

Episode Notes

To Connect with Michael O'Brien and download the App:


To Connect with Travis:

IG: @travers03
