The New Masculine

Maddox- Leader, Mentor, Gay Man

Episode Summary

On this episode, Travis talks with an expert on the topic of authenticity. Maddox is a personal power coach and host of The Authentic Gay Man podcast, where he encourages gay men to dive deep, get vulnerable, and have honest and raw conversations with each other. As you can see, the missions of these two hosts are quite aligned -- Check out Episode 6 of The Authentic Gay Man to hear him interview Travis! Topics discussed include: authenticity, having access to both our masculine and feminine energies, masculinity in the gay community, belonging, inner child work, the ways we each "hustle" for our value, new models for safe community, and the power of gay/straight male friendships and relationships.

Episode Notes

To connect with Maddox:

The Authentic Gay Man Podcast- check out Episode 6 to hear our conversation!

Facebook: The Authentic Gay Man

IG: @theauthenticgayman

To connect with Travis:

IG: @travers03

