The New Masculine

Luke Entrup- Father, Coach, Guide

Episode Summary

On this episode, Travis talks with executive coach, strategic adviser, and teacher, Luke Entrup. Underlying all of Luke's work is the universal truth that, “You can only go as far in the world as you go deeply into your heart. No matter if you’re seeking personal, professional, or spiritual change, you will need your heart. All of it.” A big portion of that work focuses on supporting boys through the normal rites of passage between boyhood into adolescence by strengthening the father/son relationship. Topics discussed include: his first men's group experience, the two major rites of passage from boyhood into manhood, facing our shadow, the lessons of fatherhood, what he learned through divorce, the importance of community, and the role of the father.

Episode Notes

To Connect with Luke:

The Father Son Connection experience:

Leadership coaching:

To Connect with Travis:

IG: @travers03

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