The New Masculine

Isaac Cotec- Spiritual Being, Mentor, Creative Entrepreneur

Episode Summary

On this episode, Travis talks with creative entrepreneur and scholar of the subconscious, Isaac Cotec. Through his platform, HeroRise, Isaac seeks to help us all redefine masculinity and its purpose in our modern world. His most recent creative project is the HeroRise Masculine Archetype Deck, which invites us to explore 5 major archetypes of the masculine --Wizard, Warrior, Father, Lover, Sovereign. This 47-card deck takes us on a deep dive into the major themes, sub-archetypes, and shadow aspects of each of the archetypes. Through this conversation, Travis and Isaac, explore the power of this form of symbolism to deepen our understanding of self and our own unique relationship to masculinity. Topics discussed include: archetypes as a tool of personal development, spiritual vs. socialized connections to masculinity, the role of the masculine in our relationships, the Jungian perspective, the most present archetypes in our current world, and the ways we can work with out-of-balance archetypes -- individually and culturally.

Episode Notes

To connect with Isaac Cotec:


To get your own copy of the HeroRise Masculine Archetype Deck:


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IG: @travers03


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