On this episode, Travis is thrilled to welcome Dr. Ronald F. Levant to the New Masculine. Ronald is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at The University of Akron; Past President of the American Psychological Association (APA) and APA Division 51; and two-term Editor of APA Division 51's quarterly journal, Psychology of Men & Masculinities. He is widely considered one of the key people responsible for creating the new field of the psychology of men and masculinities. He identifies as a father and grandfather, as a husband, and as a psychology professor. Along with his coauthor Shana Pryor, Ronald's new book The Tough Standard: The Hard Truths about Masculinity and Violence explores the question “How do we explain this complicated, fraught – and often misleading – connection between men and violence?” This conversation comes at a pivotal time in our world that demands change in the way that power is held- especially by men. Through Ronald's vast field and research based knowledge, The New Masculine expands beyond the stories of individual men into a collective imperative on how we meet this moment.
To learn more about Ronald's books: thetoughstandard.com
For more on Ronald's research: drronaldlevant.com
To connect with Travis:
Instagram: @travers03
Website: travisstock.com
Email: travisstock03@gmail.com