The New Masculine

David Peralta- Father, Husband, Healer

Episode Summary

On this episode, Travis talks with Soul Centered Founder, David Peralta. David's own story is one like many other men -meeting all the external measurements and expectations of success but without feeling a sense of fulfillment. And his biggest lessons came through his own shortcomings as father and husband, fed by unprocessed childhood emotions, which made him realized he needed to find a new way. David now offers a unique coaching program for entrepreneurs where he combines the wisdom of Zen Buddhism, eastern spirituality, and Christianity with the world of business. And, his focus is helping others achieve their soul's highest purpose. Topics discussed include: What gets many men stuck in boyhood, recognizing the expectations that rule our lives, finding inner guidance, aligned action, soul centered work, what's below the anger, and how to navigate doubt.

Episode Notes

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